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City of Hayward again named a top on-site generator of renewable energy |
For the fifth year in a row, the City of Hayward has made the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Top 30 List for on-site generators of renewable energy, coming in at #27 out of more than 1,700 participating public and private entities in the agency’s Green Power Partnership. |
Read the full article |
Hayward offers discounted smart sprinkler controllers amidst drought |
Despite the recent rain, California’s drought continues, and Stage 2 water shortage restrictions remain in effect, including limiting residential irrigation to three evenings per week. To assist, the City recently added the Rachio 3 Smart Irrigation Controller to its suite of conservation incentive programs—providing Hayward customers a $180 discount on the normally $280 device. |
Read the full article |
New free mattress disposal program available to Alameda County residents |
Free mattress and box spring disposal is now available to all Alameda County residents through the “Bye Bye Mattress” program, operated by the Mattress Recycling Council (MRC). |
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Think you know how to recycle? Take the quiz |
Recycling rules can be confusing. Everyone has felt that moment of hesitation at the recycling bin, but keeping these three basic rules in mind can help. |
Read the full article, originally published in The Stack |
Test your Knowledge! |
Take this Water Pollution Pop Quiz to test your knowledge about water pollution, waste disposal, and how to protect our local bodies of water. |
Take the quiz! |
Upcoming Events |
The Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) will host a focus group on Sept. 28 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. for community members to learn about and provide feedback on the East Bay Greenway Project, which will enhance multimodal safety and support economic growth on E. 14th St., San Leandro Blvd., and Mission Blvd. through transit, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements between the Lake Merritt and South Hayward BART stations. The meeting will be limited to 20 participants, and each participant will receive a $75 Clipper Card. If interested, please email Avery Harmon at |
The Fall 2022 Compost Giveaway has been scheduled! Hayward residents may come to the former Skywest Golf Course on Nov. 5, 2022 as early as 7:30 a.m. to pick up four one-cubic-foot bags of free compost. The event will go on until compost runs out, which typically occurs around 10:30 a.m. For more details, visit |
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