The City of Hayward has begun working with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) to plan and eventually carry out improvements to the State Route 92-Clawiter Road interchange near Whitesell Street.
The SR 92/Clawiter-Whitesell Interchange and Reliever Route Project is intended to enhance access to and from the industrial area north of SR 92 and west of Interstate 880, improve local traffic circulation and relieve congestion on major arterials in the area.
The first phase of the Project, completed in 2017, involved local street modifications, including the widening of West Winton Avenue at the intersection of Hesperian Boulevard, signal modifications, and widening and extension of Whitsell Street between Depot Road and SR 92.
The second phase of the Project will upgrade the existing SR 92-Clawiter interchange to provide a direct connection to the extended Whitesell Street thereby improving industrial area access, local traffic circulation, and bike and pedestrian connectivity.
To read more and for updates on the Project—which is being carried out with funding through the ACTC Measure BB half-cent sales tax—go online here to the City of Hayward website.