If you ever wanted to live on a street called Rhythm and own a home in Hayward, we have an affordable ownership opportunity for you.
A cozy, single-level, one-bedroom, one-bathroom condominium, with 429 square feet of living space, has come on the resale market in the SoHay residential development off Mission Boulevard near South Hayward BART station in South Hayward.
The modern home featuring stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, a laundry area, and one-car garage is part of the City of Hayward’s Affordable Housing Program and restricted for purchase to households with moderate income levels of 120 percent or below the Area Median Income (AMI).
The home, located at 345 Rhythm Lane, is priced at $439,230. Interested parties should contact the seller’s real estate agent, Miriam Porras, of Coldwell Banker, for more information at (408) 644-5041 or by email at Miriam.Porras@cbnorcal.com.
For information about current income limits for Alameda County, go online here to the California Department of Housing and Community Development website. For additional assistance or information about affordable housing programs in the City of Hayward email housing@hayward-ca.gov, or call (510) 583-4454 or, for Español, (510) 583-5547. |