The Job and Resource Fair Returns to the Library This Month
Wednesday, March 19, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Downtown Library
Interested in resources and career opportunities in your community? Join us at the library for the Job & Resource Fair and meet with local employers and organizations that have opportunities and resources ready for you!
Confirmed attendees include (but are subject to change):
- Hayward Public Library
- City of Hayward Human Resources
- Eden Area Rubicon Programs
And many more employers and organizations will be confirmed at a later date—click the "learn more" link and stay tuned.
This event is a collaboration between Rubicon Programs - Eden Area AJCC and the Hayward Public Library.
The WIO Title 1 Financially Assisted Program is an equal opportunity Employer program.
Auxiliary Aids and Service are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Funding for this program has been provided in part by the Alameda County Workforce Board. |
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Mandarin Presentation: Create a Secure Future: Advance Health Care Directives
Thursday, March 6, 2:00 p.m., Downtown Library
了解《预先医疗指示》及其填写方式,学习如何指定代理人并做出临终决策。了解何为 POLST 表格,以及如何通过该表格明确您愿意接受的紧急医疗护理类型。
本次活动由法律援助长者服务组织 提供支持。讲座将由Edmund Lam先生主讲,他将使用普通话进行讲解,并可用粤语沟通。 |
了解更多信息并注册 |
Meet the Author: Rocking with Joel Selvin!
Saturday, March 8, 3:00 p.m., Downtown Library
Join us for an afternoon of Bay Area pop and rock music stories with legendary San Francisco–based music and author Joel Selvin. Mr. Selvin is known for his weekly music column in the San Francisco Chronicle, which ran from 1972 to 2009.
A book sale and signing hosted by Books on B follows the event.
Sponsored by the Friends of Hayward Library. |
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YA Book Club for Adults: Ace of Spades
Tuesday, March 11, 6:00 p.m., Downtown Library
Are you an adult (18 or older) who still loves to read teen/young adult (YA) literature? Join our YA Book Club for Adults! Each month we will read & discuss a YA book.
At this meeting, we'll discuss Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé. Visit the library to check out a copy of the book, or download the audiobook for free on the Hoopla app with your Hayward Library card. |
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Power of Reset: An Online Conversation with Author Dan Heath
Wednesday, March 12, 11:00 a.m., Online
Are you ready to for a revolutionary guide to fixing what’s not working—in systems and processes, organizations and companies, and even in our daily lives? Join us for an enlightening conversation with bestselling author Dan Heath as he talks with us about his newest book, Reset: How to Change What’s Not Working. Register today! |
The Literary Corner: We All Want Impossible Things
Wednesday, March 12, 5:30 p.m., Downtown Library
The Literary Corner is a monthly literary fiction book club for adults. March's book selection is We All Want Impossible Things by Catherine Newman.
About the book: “A warm and remarkably funny book about death and care giving that will make readers laugh through their tears."
-Kirkus Reviews |
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Create a Secure Future: Advance Health Care Directives
Thursday, March 13, 2:00 p.m., Downtown Library
Make a plan now for the medical care you want to receive if you become seriously ill or unable to communicate your wishes. Learn about Advance Health Care Directives and how to complete one. Programming for this event is provided by Legal Assistance for Seniors. |
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6-Session Class: Digital Literacy 101
Starts Thursday, March 13, 4:00-5:30 p.m., Downtown Library
Do you need to improve your computer and digital literacy skills? Learn how to use a computer or laptop in Digital Literacy 101. Get familiar with the parts of a computer, navigating the internet, sending emails, and more!
Digital Literacy 101 is a 6-week session that meets once a week for 1.5 hours. Each class builds on the previous class. Space is limited. Registration is first come, first serve. |
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Sticks & String: Introduction to Amigurumi
Saturday, March 15, 10:30 a.m., Downtown Library
Small crocheted toys are very popular these days. Whether it’s a cute cat, a perky penguin, or some other adorable animal, they are fun to make. This mini workshop offers you an introduction on how to crochet an amigurumi-style toy. While making a small, simple ball, you'll learn how to start your toy, how to increase and decrease the number of stitches, and how to finish your toy. Familiarity with single crochet is highly recommended. |
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Reviving Memories Part 2: Photo Restoration
Saturday, March 15, 10:30 a.m., Downtown Library
Preserve your family’s cherished memories in this comprehensive lecture and hands-on workshop focused on scanning and restoring old photos. In this event, we will engage in a photo restoration session, where you’ll learn techniques to remove creases, tears, and dust spots, as well as enhance contrast to restore your photos’ luster. |
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Mystery Book Club: Kismet
Wednesday, March 19, 5:45 p.m., Downtown Library
Join us on the 3rd Wednesday of every month for Mystery Book Club. We read a mix of cozy mysteries, thrillers. This month we're reading Kismet by Amina Akhtar:
"Attending a retreat in the desert mountains of Sedona, Arizona, at the insistence of socialite wellness guru Marley Dewhurst, lifelong New Yorker Ronnie Khan soon discovers that all is not well in wellness town as Marley's blind ambition turns into madness." |
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How Women's Liberation Transformed America: An Online Conversation with Clara Bingham
Thursday, March 20, 11:00 a.m., Online
Join us for a transformative conversation with award-winning journalist and author, Clara Bingham, as she chats with us about her new book, The Movement: How Women’s Liberation Transformed America, 1963-1973. The Movement is the first oral history of the decade that built the modern feminist movement and a comprehensive and engaging history of the decade that defined the feminist movement, including interviews with living icons and unsung heroes. Register today! |
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Dreams We Chase: An Online Author Talk with Novelist Jennifer Weiner
Wednesday, March 26, 4:00 p.m., Online
You’re invited to a glimmering conversation with New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner as we chat about the signature emotional depth of her books that have been inspiring readers toward self-discovery for decades. Hearing from the queen of fun herself, we’ll chat with the author about her New York Times bestselling novels, Good In Bed, In Her Shoes, Big Summer, The Breakaway and many more. |
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Online Program: Fund My Business
3-session class begins on Wednesday, March 26, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Online
Join Centro Community Partners for their 3-session program, “Fund My Business”! This free and comprehensive program will help you secure the funding you need to grow and thrive. It is designed for entrepreneurs who are ready to access capital, whether they're just starting out or looking to expand. Centro Community Partners will help connect you to microloan providers and guide you through every step of the funding process.
Register now to reserve your spot! |
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Birds That Play Tricks
Saturday, March 29, 1:00 p.m., Downtown Library
Just in time for April Fool's Day, find out about birds that play tricks!
Why does the killdeer put on a broken-wing act, or the cuckoo lay its eggs in other birds' nests? Discover the methods and motives for birds' sneaky strategies in this fun, photo-filled presentation. |
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HPL Recommends: Our Favorite Women Fantasy Authors
There are amazing women out there writing fantasy books in every subgenre and inspired by the mythologies of every culture, or just pure imagination. Here are some of our recent favorites—check them out! |
Reading List |
Regularly Scheduled Programs
Book Sale
Saturday, March 1 & 15, 10:30 a.m.03:30 p.m., Downtown Library
Pop in to the New Leaf Bookstore on the first floor, across from the Children's Room, for some great deals! All proceeds support library programs for kids, teens, and adults. |
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Silent Book Club
Saturday, March 1, 3:00 p.m., Downtown Library
Looking for some companionable time to read and maybe chat about what you're reading? Join us for Silent Book Club. It's like a book club but no pressure to read a specific book and plenty of time to just read with other people who love reading just like you do. |
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Uke Can Do It! Strum-Along
Saturdays, March 8 & 22, 2:00 p.m., Downtown Library
Whether you're an old hand at Ukulele or have just started, you're welcome to join in on our group strum-alongs! Folks at all skill levels are invited and no registration is required.
BYOU (Bring Your Own Uke)! If you don't own one, check one out from the Library!
Uke Can Do It! is supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. |
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Tenants' Rights Workshop
Monday, March 10, 4:30 p.m., Downtown Library
Centro Legal Services Tenants' Rights Clinic for Hayward Tenants with legal issues or questions about their housing. Low-income, eligible tenants may receive a free legal consultation for advice about or limited assistance with their housing issues!
To reserve a spot, call 510-437-1554 or email tenantsrights@centrolegal.org |
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Apply to Get Help Paying Your Power Bill
Tuesday, March 11, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Downtown Library
Do you need help paying your power bill? You may qualify for federal aid. A representative from Spectrum Community Services will be on site to accept applications and answer questions about the Low Income Home Energy (LIHEAP) assistance program. LIHEAP helps qualified households with a one-time-per-program-year payment on their energy bill.
Se habla español.
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VA Palo Alto Health Care Medical Outreach Team
Thursday, March 13, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Hayward Veterans Memorial Hall
Hayward Public Library will host the VA Palo Alto Health Care Medical Outreach Team & Partners to facilitate examinations, consultations, toxic exposure screenings, and referrals for veterans who are enrolled in the VA healthcare system. They will also assist veterans and their spouses, caregivers, family members, and survivors with information about veteran enrollment for VA healthcare.
The event will take place at the Hayward Veterans Memorial Hall located at 22737 Main St. |
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Mobile Health Clinic
Friday, March 14 & 28, 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Downtown Library
The mobile health clinic offers free, friendly medical services for people without housing. First come, first served. No appointment required; just come to the van parked in front of the library on Mission Blvd. between the City Center Garage and C Street.
Services are provided by Alameda Health System in partnership with Alameda County Health Care for the Homeless. |
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Library Commission Meeting
Monday, March 17, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Downtown Library
Get involved! Members of the public are invited to attend our monthly Library Commission Meeting. For more information about our Commission, please visit https://www.hayward-ca.gov/your-government/boards-commissions/library-commission. Members of the public are invited to submit any written comments via email to Library@Hayward-ca.gov by noon (12:00 PM) the day of the meeting. |
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Friends of Hayward Library Book Sales
Saturday, March 1 and 15, 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Downtown Library
Every first and third Saturday of the month, the Friends Bookstore on the first floor is open and filled with bargains! All proceeds fund library activities, programs, and collections. |
Yoga at the Library
Saturday, March 29, 3:30 p.m., Downtown Library
Unlock energy, strength, and joy in this wellness-focused class led by certified instructor Iva Chu from Hayward's Yoga Sociale.
Please arrive dressed for stretching. Mats provided.
Please note that this is an afternoon session, not a morning session. Thank you! |
Learn More & Register |
English Conversation Circles
Monday-Friday, Online and in Person at the Downtown Library
English Conversation Circles are designed for adults who are looking for a supportive and fun environment to practice their English-speaking skills. The goal is to strengthen conversational skills, while building confidence and community with other adults whose native language is not English.
Schedule |
French Conversation Circles
Fridays at 4:00 p.m., Downtown Library
French Conversation Circles provide a supportive environment to practice your French speaking skills. Facilitated by a French speaker who will select study materials, guide conversation, and answer questions, the circle is designed to provide the opportunity to read and listen to documents from French-speaking countries as well as speak to one another in French. Beginners and all levels are welcome to attend.
See Schedule & Register |
Citizenship Resources
We offer FREE 10-week Citizenship Preparation Classes, Citizenship Mock Interview Sessions, a Citizenship Corner at the Downtown Library and one online, and much more.
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Tech Support Tutor Sessions
Drop-in or by appointment
Do you need some basic tech support? Tech Support Sessions are here to help. Meet one-on-one with a tutor to get assistance with basic tech issues, such as setting up your email, emailing photos, downloading an app, & more!
Schedule |
Google Suite Workshop for Beginners
Alternate Saturdays, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon, Downtown Library
Do you want to learn how to use computer programs like Google Docs, Google Sheets, or Google Slides? Participate in a Google Suite Workshop! You'll learn how to use one of the programs mentioned above to accomplish specific tasks.
These workshops are drop-in but registration is recommended, since space is limited. |
Schedule |
Typing Club
Alternate Saturdays, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon, Downtown Library
Do you need to improve your keyboard skills? Join our Typing Club! Practice your keyboard skills and improve your typing speed and accuracy. With the guidance of a dedicated volunteer tutor, access different online programs and resources to improve your typing skills. |
Schedule |
The library will be closed on Monday, March 31 in honor of Cesar Chavez Day
But you can use our online resources 24/7/365! Download an ebook or audiobook; stream a movie; learn a new language or how to repair your car; get help with homework or research. All you need is a Hayward library card! |
Virtual Branch |
Library Pro Tip: Save money entertaining guests from out of town with your library card!
Use your Hayward library card to check out free and low-cost tickets to museums, science centers, zoos, theatres, and more! Search by date to see what works with your schedule, or search by venue to discover some of the Bay Area's hidden (and not-so-hidden) treasures. Check it out: |
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Brainfuse VetNow Writing Lab
Are you looking to improve your writing skills? Look no further than Brainfuse VetNow's Writing Lab! Whether you're crafting an email, working on essays, or simply honing your communication skills, the Brainfuse Writing Lab is here to support you every step of the way. It's never too late to sharpen your writing abilities and reach your academic and professional goals.
Learn More & Get Started |
We've got Zip Books!
Can't find the book you need at the library? No problem! Use our new Zip Books service to have the book mailed directly to you for free, and return it to us when you're done.
This project is supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.
Learn More & Get Started |
What else is going on at the library?
Don't just sit there wondering; visit our online event calendar! Special events, weekly and monthly programs, holiday closures, bookmobile stops... it's all in there. Check it out: |
Library Calendar |
Library Hours
Monday: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Thursday: 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
Downtown Library
888 C Street
Hayward, CA 94541
Weekes Branch
27300 Patrick Avenue
Hayward, CA 94544
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Hayward Public Library, 888 C Street, Hayward, CA 94541, United States |