Orchard Avenue traffic calming project is topic of Monday, Jan. 22, community meeting |
The City of Hayward is holding an in-person public meeting to discuss community concerns and receive input on proposed traffic calming improvements on Orchard Avenue between Mission Boulevard and Soto Road.
The time and location of the meeting is 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 22, in the Multi-Purpose Room at HUB Parent Resource Center at 24823 Soto Road. Spanish language translation service will be provided.
The approximately half-mile section of Orchard Avenue serves multiple neighborhoods, businesses and schools. The project aims to reduce speeding and cut through traffic and address community concerns related to pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular travel.
To learn more, visit the Orchard Avenue Traffic Calming Project on the City of Hayward website. Currently proposed design solutions to be presented at the community are still under evaluation and may be modified based on community feedback and suggestions.
If you have questions, please email Transportation.Department@hayward-ca.gov or call (510) 583-4730. |