
Volume 5 | Issue 4

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Help keep Hayward clean and green by participating in Plastic Free Summer

Did you know that most "recyclable" plastic products can't actually be recycled? Join the Plastic Free July challenge and replace your single-use plastic purchases with reusables or compostables!

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Learn how to save on energy bills with your time-of-use rate plan

With time-of-use (TOU) rate plans, the price of electricity increases during peak hours, typically between 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. By shifting some of your electricity usage to non-peak hours when energy is cheaper and less polluting, you can maximize your energy savings and lower the cost of your bills.

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Hayward relaxes water shortage restrictions as drought conditions improve

Responding to improved drought conditions, the City of Hayward has relaxed certain water shortage restrictions on non-essential water use under its Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP), but is continuing to encourage conservation and enforce its prohibitions on wasteful water practices.

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The Downtown Hayward Library becomes a certified LEED Platinum building, showcasing the City's commitment to sustainability and innovation

The City of Hayward was recently awarded the prestigious LEED Platinum certification for the 21st Century Library and Community Learning Center. The LEED Platinum certification is the highest recognition offered by the U.S. Green Building Council and acknowledges the City's dedication to creating a healthier and more sustainable future for the community.

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Hayward makes progress toward its clean energy goals by installing new heat pump water heaters at several city facilities

Last year, the City of Hayward partnered with PG&E and Willdan to install heat pump water heaters across several city facilities. The transition from natural gas to electric demonstrates the City's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and embracing renewable energy alternatives.

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Upcoming Events

The City of Hayward is seeking input on a potential South Hayward Farmer's Market. Please complete this survey to offer your opinions and expectations for a South Hayward Farmer's Market. Survey is available in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Tagalog.

On Thursday, August 17, the next Thursday Night Street Party themed Hot August Nights will take place from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the intersection of B and Main Streets. Entertainment will include live music, a beer and wine garden, a car show, and a family fun zone. Find the Environmental Services booth and say hi!

Join this month's Clean Cooking Contest at EBCE by posting a photo or video of you preparing your tomato recipe on an induction cooktop or stove. This contest takes place every month with new themes and new winners chosen each time. Sign up for the Induction Lending Program here to try it out!

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