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Hayward Public Library’s brings back Trunk or Treat event with a bang! |
Hayward Public Library’s annual Trunk or Treat event returns on Saturday, Oct. 28, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Heritage Plaza across the street from the downtown library. |
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Hayward Office of the City Clerk restores U.S. passport application services |
Passport services offered by the Hayward Office of the City Clerk, paused since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, have been restored, Hayward City Clerk Miriam Lens announced today. |
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Hayward seeks mental health therapist or clinical social worker to enhance public safety responses |
The City of Hayward is seeking a mental health clinician to join a dynamic new team being established to improve public safety responses to people experiencing mental illness in the City of Hayward. |
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Hayward City Council to consider Sidewalk Vendor Ordinance |
Photo: (Aric Crabb/Bay Area News Group) |
The Hayward City Council will consider tonight the adoption of new regulations and guidelines for sidewalk vending in the City including the establishment of a new permitting program for sidewalk vendors. |
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Return of Light Up the Season Dec. 2—and an invitation to participate |
Light Up the Season, the annual downtown Hayward winter-time celebration and lighting ceremony, is returning to the City Hall rotunda and plaza the afternoon and evening of Saturday, Dec. 2, and local organizations, businesses, associations and school groups are welcome to participate. |
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