City of Hayward's New Year Tips and News
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Volume 7 Issue 1

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Sustainability Tips to Follow in the New Year 

Happy belated New Year! If you’re looking to start the new year off by incorporating eco-friendly practices, look no further. Here are some tips for making your lifestyle more sustainable while improving your finances:

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Enforcing Producer Responsibility Leads To Cleaner Communities

Keen eyes may have noticed a recent change at the local grocery store. Bags provided to customers before they reach checkout are now required to be paper or compostable in order to comply with California law SB 1046. While many stores are now offering compostable pre-checkout bags, please note that Waste Management of Alameda County does not accept plastic bags or compostable bags in the residential organics stream. Screening equipment at the composting facility cannot distinguish the type of bag and removes all bags, including those labeled as compostable. Consider using reusable produce bags to reduce overall consumption.

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Spring Cleaning

The new year inspires many of us to clean our homes and get rid of what no longer has use. Whether you’re going through old cabinets, cleaning out your garage, or gathering items you want to be rid of, these tips and reminders will help you refresh your space and dispose of old items sustainably.

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Enjoy Yardwork With Quiet, Clean Equipment 

Those taking a stroll in the motorized landscaping equipment aisle of their local hardware stores may notice something in common among the newest models — they are all electric.  The latest California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulations on small off-road engines (SORE) took effect on January 1, 2024, requiring new models to be zero-emissions. Generators and large pressure washers are given a bit more time to meet this standard – their start date begins in 2028. 

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Spare the Air Woodburning Rule

You may have noticed recently alerts in the local news about prohibiting wood burning. These alerts, known as Spare the Air Alerts, are part of the Spare the Air Wood Burning Rule passed by the Bay Area Air District in 2008 to reduce harmful smoke particulates in the air produced from woodburning. On calm winter days an inversion layer of warm air can sit over the cold air, trapping and condensing any harmful smoke particulates. When these conditions are expected, the Bay Area Air District will call a Spare the Air Alert for particulate pollution, during which the use of fireplaces, outdoor fire pits, and wood stoves are not allowed. Sign up for alerts to stay informed. 

Earth Day Poster & Writing Contest

The City of Hayward is hosting the 42nd Annual Earth Day Poster and Writing Contest as part of Hayward’s celebration of Earth Day. All Hayward students are invited to submit a poster, poem, or essay inspired by the environment. To learn more visit Hayward's Earth Website at Earth Day 2025 | City of Hayward - Official website

Upcoming Events

Hayward Earth Day Citywide Cleanup & Community Fair

Save the date for the annual Earth Day Citywide Clean-Up & Community Fair hosted at Weekes Park. Volunteers will come together to collect litter and abandoned debris in various neighborhoods throughout the City, then convene at the park for lunch and an Earth Day themed Community Fair with local organizations hosting booths with activities. Volunteer registration now open through the Eventbrite linked below. 

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2025 HUSD STEAM Showcase

HUSD is thrilled to announce that their 10th annual STEAM Showcase will be on April 23rd! This year's optional theme is: Making Waves! 

How do you use STEAM to inspire and encourage your family, friends, and community to conserve water or protect Earth's precious resources?

Encourage your students to participate individually, as a class, with friends, or even as a family!

Begin planning projects now and look for entry instructions on the event website.

For more information contact

Kristen Eng Popper - or Nancy Wright

Preliminary Strategies for Regional Climate Action - Bay Area Regional Climate Action Plan Public Workshop #2

The Bay Area Air District  invites you to discuss preliminary strategies that may be included in the Bay Area Regional Climate Action Plan. These strategies include building and vehicle electrification, composting, expansion of urban green spaces, and supporting regional renewable energy development.

Make your voice heard on how we can center equity, public health, and thriving communities in this important plan. Also consider filling out this survey to provide input on the regional plan, and you will be entered into a $50 gift card raffle drawn at the end of February!

Air District staff want to ensure a fair and inclusive virtual experience and provide opportunities for all interested parties to participate. Simultaneous language interpretation can be provided upon request. The deadline for requesting is 5 PM on February 5th. Contact Joshua Abraham ( or call 415-749-4914 with questions, interpretation requests, or other accommodation needs.

Date: Tuesday, February 11

Time: 5:30 - 7:00 pm

Location: Online

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Canine Capers

The restorative effect of spending time outdoors with a friend or pet, is well-known! Join this monthly adventure to nurture our inner and outer selves by exploring and learning about the natural world around us as we hike park trails.

Garin hike is approximately 3.5 miles

For adults and children 8+

Parent Participation Required

This hike invites folks to bring their dogs along with them. People without dogs are also welcome, as long as they are fine with dogs being off-leash around them.

Be sure to check out the East Bay Trails Challenge 2025!

Date: Saturday, February 22

Time: 9:00 - 11:00 am

Location: Garin Avenue Staging Area and Visitor Center

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